Bluetooth Accessory Questions – What is the Bluetooth Special Interest Group?

Wireless is definitely an open wireless technology common, used to move and communicate day over small distances. Put simply, it is a digital cable-replacement. Utilizing a little, low priced radio processor that creates a short-range, low-cost radio frequency, Wireless eliminates the need for cables working between your computer, printer, cell-phone, etc car bluetooth device.

The most popular Wireless accent is the hands-free headset, which is presently one of the very most well-known wireless mobile phone components available. The Wireless technology was originally developed be Swedish technology company Ericsson in 1994. But, today it is handled by the privately held, not-for-profit business association called “The Wireless Specific Interest Group.”

The Wireless Specific Interest Group, or SIG, was created in September of 1998 with five original members. By the finish of the entire year they had over 400. In 1999 they located the first UnPlugFest, and were granted the “Best of Show Technology Award” at COMDEX.

The year 2001 was a big one for the SIG, which arrived on the scene with a few of their most popular Wireless accent items, including the first printer, the first notebook, and the first hands-free car kit. It had been at this point that the Wireless SIG, Inc. became a privately held business association.

Surprisingly, the Wireless SIG doesn’t production or offer any Wireless accessories. Their mission is solely to “drive progress of Wireless wireless technology, and apply and industry the technology within their products.” Since most technology businesses just mission usually is inflating their revenue numbers, it’s good to see a non-profit firm thrive towards the goal of bettering technology, rather than bettering finances.

Their mission statement, which may be keep reading the Wireless SIG formal site (, says: “Enhance the Wireless company by empowering SIG members to collaborate and innovate, producing the preferred wireless technology to connect varied devices.

Membership in the Wireless SIG is supposed for almost any firm that uses the technology for Wireless components and products. All members support in the development and progress of the technology, and obtain a series of advantages for being members.

Some of these advantages include usage of, application of Wireless wireless specification in items, ability to utilize Wireless trademarks on items in addition to through advertising, free usage of the Wireless Brand Equity Study, selected industry study reports from InMedica, and free emblem publishing in the Wireless SIG Member Network. There’s an annual price included, an economic obligation provided in great religion, understanding the Wireless SIG is a non-profit organization.

Becoming a person in the Wireless SIG, an organization should enroll through the state Wireless website. The first step is now an “adopter member,” which is free. After that’s finished, the head of your company is inspired to send an email to [email protected]. Following this, the using company is taken into account for membership.

Presently, the Wireless SIG has over 13,000 businesses within their account, although the most important will be the “promoter members,” which includes Ericsson Technology Accreditation (the founder of Wireless technology), Intel, Lenovo, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia, and Toshiba.

The SIG headquarters can be found in Kirkland, Washington, nevertheless significant offices occur in Hong Kong, Beijing, Seoul, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, Taiwan, and Malmo. Their team consists of a series of marketers, designers, and procedures professionals.

Bluetooth Accessory Questions – What is the Bluetooth Special Interest Group?

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